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Providers policy
To achieve continuous improvement in our management, GAOR AEROSPACE’s Management aims for mutually beneficial relationships with its suppliers. This requires collaboration with trustworthy suppliers who add value to the internal process chain.
To this end, GAOR AEROSPACE has established general contracting conditions to regulate commercial relationships for the benefit of lasting agreements.
The objective of GAOR AEROSPACE’s Policy for suppliers and subcontractors is to provide them with guidelines for the provision of their services, ensuring objectivity, transparency, and excellence in processes, and meeting the needs of our customers.
To be a Supplier of GAOR AEROSPACE, natural or legal persons must consistently demonstrate impeccable ethical and legal behavior, particularly in labor and tax matters, the ability to deliver services under the required conditions, specifications, and deadlines outlined in contracts and orders, comply with agreed product or service quality agreements, maintain commercial morality, and have an adequate financial situation by fulfilling their obligations with public entities, banks, suppliers, legal and tax aspects, and their staff in both professional and technical aspects, as well as in occupational safety and health matters.
GAOR AEROSPACE particularly values suppliers actively committed to sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility and reserves the right to verify occupational safety and health standards, labor, and environmental compliance whenever deemed necessary.
To this effect, the following principles of action are established:
Long-term and profitability relationship All suppliers are expected to demonstrate their work, professionalism, honesty, and transparency at all times while providing services to GAOR AEROSPACE, making them worthy of our trust and continuously promoting their development and professional growth.
Commitment fulfillment GAOR AEROSPACE’s interest is that all its suppliers demonstrate commitment to the tasks and services required in terms of deadlines and quality.
Transparency and Objectivity in service In all services provided by suppliers, transparency in their management and objectivity in complying with the processes that GAOR AEROSPACE maintains as part of its Quality System must be ensured.
Supplier Evaluation GAOR AEROSPACE’s Suppliers are evaluated based on defined evaluation criteria by the management system and applied according to the characteristics of the acquired service or product. For those Suppliers who receive an insufficient or negative rating, actions deemed appropriate by management will be taken and communicated to them.
The general purchasing conditions aim to regulate the relationships between GAOR AEROSPACE and the supplier or subcontractor and are part of the contractual documentation for the purchase or supply of products or services.
These conditions will be sent before starting work with any of our suppliers and will apply to those terms not regulated in future orders or offers.
Any exception to these general purchasing conditions by the supplier regarding an Order will only be valid if formulated in writing and expressly accepted in writing by GAOR AEROSPACE and will always apply to the specific order. Conditions and specifications not expressly accepted in writing by GAOR AEROSPACE will not apply.
Order Acceptance 1.1.- The supplier must acknowledge receipt of the Order in the way they deem appropriate within three days.
1.2.- In any case, the initiation of Order fulfillment will imply absolute agreement with these general purchasing conditions and the Specific Conditions reflected in the applicable order even if the supplier has not received order acceptance.
Supply Definition If, in the supplier’s judgment, there is any indeterminacy in the specifications of the ordered material, this circumstance must be clearly communicated to GAOR AEROSPACE, who will make decisions in this regard.
Delivery 3.1.- The supplier is obligated to deliver the products or services detailed in the order and provide all related documentation required by GAOR AEROSPACE.
3.2.- Delivery will be made at the place, time, and manner indicated by GAOR AEROSPACE, adjusting to the quantity, quality, and characteristics detailed in the Order or contractual agreement. Upon delivery of the goods or products of the Order, GAOR AEROSPACE will sign the Delivery Note after an initial superficial verification subject to more detailed subsequent inspection.
3.4.- GAOR AEROSPACE reserves the right to impose penalties for delays concerning the detailed delivery deadlines and is entitled to resolve it and demand damages caused by the delay with its clients.
Packaging, transport, loading, and unloading 4.1.- The packaging, transport, loading, and unloading of the products detailed in the order will be carried out conveniently and appropriately, under the supplier’s responsibility. The goods must be adequately protected to avoid damage, especially in fragile parts.
4.2.- The supplier will be responsible to GAOR AEROSPACE and third parties for damages that may be caused in packaging, transport, loading, and/or unloading operations, even if not performed directly by the supplier.
Goods Recognition The goods will be inspected by GAOR AEROSPACE at the destination, and if they are not compliant, they will be returned to the supplier with expenses from their point of origin.
Inspections, tests, and audits 6.1.- The supplier must carry out their inspections and tests before delivering the products to ensure that all applicable legal requirements or those specified in the Order are met.
GAOR AEROSPACE reserves the right to inspect the goods or products of the Order and demand the necessary certificates of conformity.
6.2.- GAOR AEROSPACE has the right to conduct second-party audits at the supplier’s facilities to determine the adequacy and capacity of their production process, with internal staff, regarding compliance with the Order terms. GAOR AEROSPACE will notify the intention or need to perform this activity to agree on a date, and the supplier will facilitate the audit team’s access to the supplier’s facilities and offices and all documentation related to the order and any actions in relation to it.
6.3.- GAOR AEROSPACE personnel, its customer, or regulatory authorities will have free access to the facilities involved in the order and all applicable records during any manufacturing stage.
In the event of an accident or incident, regulatory authorities have the right to access the supplier’s facilities involved in the order and their records, which will be retained by the supplier for at least 15 years.
6.4.- The supplier will notify GAOR AEROSPACE of any non-conformities related to their orders. Additionally, any changes in their processes affecting the subcontracted product or service must be communicated to evaluate how it may affect the conformity of the requested work or products.
Claims and returns 7.1.- From signing the Delivery Note of the products or services performed, GAOR AEROSPACE will have one month to verify their adequacy to the conditions (quantity, qualities, etc.) detailed in the Order.
If GAOR AEROSPACE detects hidden defects in an initial inspection (e.g., during assembly or installation of the finished product) or any other deficiency (in quantity or quality), it will notify the supplier, who must repair the defect or replace the specific service or product at no cost. If the defects are substantial, GAOR AEROSPACE will be entitled to resolve the Order and demand the refund of the amounts paid for it.
7.2.- If the defect detected by GAOR AEROSPACE causes damage or harm (either to GAOR AEROSPACE or third parties), the supplier will assume responsibility, keeping GAOR AEROSPACE harmless.
Warranty 8.1.- Unless expressly agreed otherwise, the warranty for the goods or products of the Order will be one year from the Delivery Note date.
8.2.- During the warranty period, the supplier must correct any deficiencies or defects in the supplied goods or products, and if such a defect is irreparable, they must replace the good or product with another one in perfect condition. To this end, GAOR AEROSPACE will notify the supplier of the incident, who must proceed with the repair or replacement of the product or service in question.
8.3.- If the supplier does not fulfill their repair or replacement obligation established in the previous section, GAOR AEROSPACE may repair the defective goods or products themselves or purchase new materials, charging all costs to the supplier, as well as any damages caused by non-compliance with this obligation (including penalties that could be imposed on GAOR AEROSPACE).
Subcontracting: Contract Assignment 9.1.- The supplier may not subcontract the execution of the Order, in whole or in part, without prior written consent from GAOR AEROSPACE. Failure to comply with this obligation will entitle the Contract to be terminated.
Subcontracting will not exempt the supplier from any of their contractual responsibilities or obligations to GAOR AEROSPACE.
Additionally, the supplier is directly responsible to GAOR AEROSPACE for the compliance of their subcontractors, whether authorized or not, with the provisions of the general purchasing conditions, keeping GAOR AEROSPACE harmless from any non-compliance.
Subcontracting will not create any contractual relationship between GAOR AEROSPACE and the subcontractors.
9.2.- The supplier may not assign the Order, in whole or in part, or any obligations derived from it without prior consent from GAOR AEROSPACE.
Industrial or intellectual property The technical or commercial information provided by GAOR AEROSPACE to the supplier within the framework of the Order will be confidential. The supplier may not disclose, disseminate, exploit, or otherwise use such confidential information without the express consent of GAOR AEROSPACE during the Order’s validity and for five years after its termination.
Compliance with regulations by the supplier The supplier must comply with all applicable provisions at all times, especially labor, Social Security, or tax regulations, as well as those related to the Environment, Safety, and Health, and Occupational Risk Prevention.
At any time during the Order’s validity, GAOR AEROSPACE may require the supplier to demonstrate compliance with the obligations described in the previous paragraph.
Resolution 12.1.- GAOR AEROSPACE is entitled to terminate the Order in case of non-compliance by the supplier with any obligations established in it or in these general purchasing conditions.
12.2.- GAOR AEROSPACE reserves the right to unilaterally cancel the Order by notifying the supplier. In this case, the consequences of such early termination will be agreed upon, which will not exceed the percentage of the Order already fulfilled.
GAOR AEROSPACE will not be liable for any indirect and/or consequential damages in any case.